• The Find Out Phase

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    Artemis is saved and the portal is shut but someone knows you’ve been snooping around and probably won’t be thrilled to learn you’ve destroyed their expensive looking abyssal doorway.
  • Fuckin around in Foren

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    Deep in the forest, the party goes toe to toe with a tortured and infected Vala and 3 bulezau. After a brief exchange of blows, they are dispatched and Vala is captured and returned to his bed. A brief conversation with Deja ensues wherein the party learns Artemis had been... [Read More]
  • Just Act Natural

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    After some uncomfortable rest time at Saloon, the party was sent on their first mission. They arrived in Empire Strand at an abandoned Balenpost Tavern with a writ of passage to the mainland and a name - Artemis. With this info, Aife dispatched the party to find the Luxon Shard... [Read More]
  • Session Zero

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    After a night of revelry, the party rose early to find Maxim and Kog Wobblesprocket fixing one of the two main engines at the rear of the Rhemoraz. As Griff handed off the bag of Frigid Woe cure to a Myriad ryder for delivery to Palebank there was a large... [Read More]